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[英文] 旅游景点独乐寺英文介绍

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發表於 2016-10-28 14:45:41 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
独乐寺,又称大佛寺,位于中国天津市蓟县,是中国仅存的三大辽代寺院之一,也是中国现存著名的古代建筑之一。独乐寺虽为千年名刹,而寺史则殊渺茫,其缘始无可考,寺庙历史最早可追至贞观十年(公元636年)。独乐寺现为国家AAAA景区;首批全国重点文物保护单位;天津市人民政府批准的特殊保护等级历史风貌建筑4 x) e0 t; S- k2 ^$ [
  Located in Jixian County, 113 kilometres from Tianjincity,
3 c1 H3 {" I7 A! Z. Q  位于天津市蓟县,距天津113公里的城市,
7 R$ {' o( {. x  the Solitary Joy (Dule) Temple, also known as the BigBuddha Temple,was first constructed in the TangDynasty and rebuilt in 984 in the Liao Dynasty.
" [" E- x4 B! h. A6 p  独乐寺,又称大佛寺,最初建于唐代,辽984年重建。# C$ _4 d9 a7 C7 `) j* u) [
  Dule means exclusive happiness.
& a% A* ~; `: B# S  E+ l2 w  独乐意味着专属的幸福。" _8 Y4 f" n0 N- V9 G+ v# V
  Legend has it that when An Lushan (安禄山? -757,a general of the Tang Dynasty) rebelledagainst the emperor,
$ {( c+ `' K1 m3 F( O  传说,当安禄山(安禄山?-757年,唐朝的将军)反抗皇帝,
7 J: W1 o1 R( C! B6 S5 v  he held a meeting here at the temple before going to war and he gave the temple its presentname because he wanted happiness exclusively for himself instead of sharing it with thepeople.
7 S$ c- R( z( E4 _  u  在战争打响之前他在殿里举行了一个会议,给寺庙起了目前的名字,因为他需要专属于他并且别人不能分享的幸福。+ M* b, s* S9 [' j$ Y
* u2 q! q1 A' X8 Y/ Y7 a9 G9 i
  The temple consists of an entrance gate,the 23-metre-high Guanyin (Avalokitesvara or Goddessof Mercy) Pavilion and the chambers on the east and west sides.& w" G$ a# b, m& _, i
  寺里有山门,23米高的观音(观音菩萨或是观世音)阁和东西配殿等组成。8 u; b& l" b8 Z+ z% H! I4 l9 `
  The gate,the roof of which has give ridges and four slopes,is China's extant oldest.
7 y' T" g; g7 ]# t  大门的顶部有正脊、有四个斜坡,是中国现存最古老的。
" J0 E8 e% [' x0 o- g$ r& G1 q1 b4 N* z  The pavilion,built in 24 different systems of brackets inserted between the top of a column anda crossbeam,is the cream of China's extant high-rise pavilions of wooden structure.
+ v2 H1 \/ J0 Q6 x. u6 j& N/ P& V  观音阁建在24不同体系的斗拱插在柱和横梁之间,是中国现存木制结构阁的顶峰。
# X1 G' A, P, R: g5 P& u  On top of all this, it stands formidable despite major earthquakes.( q! u4 N6 H  D7 ]
  在这一切之上,它承受了尽管强大的地震。+ e$ U4 p- [# E3 c2 E( ?1 D
  Inside the pavilion is a 16-metre-high clay statue of Avalokitesvara,or the Goddess ofMercy,beautiful in shape and enchanting in mien,$ D2 q2 e9 G& ~$ j, e. @! @0 ^9 T
6 x' J: e$ b; O% [  a rare treasure among clay sculptures following the style of the Liao Dynasty (907-1125).
% @' V/ ~$ r2 H, U5 N8 h  一个罕见的宝藏在辽式(907 - 1125)风格的泥塑里。5 q! c! P$ o0 y- {/ @4 M

+ G7 s3 v$ U( a) y


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