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[英文] 美洲旅游英语情景对话 [複製鏈接]

美洲旅游英语情景对话1:# |( ~- |+ q" d) _& R# I: f
  A:Is this the first time you come to Los Angeles?
' q" e+ e+ N- }2 D5 B% q0 v  A:这是你第一次来洛杉矶吗?9 g1 C( e& ~, I, T
  B:Yes,it is
: V- P6 Z. |  B3 U  B:是的,是第一次。4 F- E; n; x3 S+ b
  A:Do you like Los Angeles?
1 O* z% n7 q/ }7 T" @, U' u  A:你喜欢洛杉矶吗?) f. V- J# b7 i, {8 ^  U
  B:Yes,I like it very much.; r" \' A5 v* {9 U3 B
  B:是的,我很喜欢。4 z) x4 x( c, k& o9 I0 k
  A:Where do you want to visit?
' ]* A" r* E, ]  A:你想去哪儿游玩儿呢?/ v+ L% ^9 e/ |, F
  B:I'd like to go to Hollywood.
  Q' |. e7 N! G! J% w0 }" q  B:我想去好莱坞看看。/ Y  k- N" W3 X' Z6 T
  A:That might be a good idea. It's really a good place.% C! w: M" r5 K$ o
- L/ H: W2 g# y) g9 |: A! o  B:Do you want to go there , too?4 h6 n. I# H& N+ y( S% v2 \
* W. p" P0 }) a0 Y4 b! B+ X  A:No.I've been there many times.* g& N* F. a1 r# o# Y
0 s/ |, Y) Y; N$ r+ f& T- w+ f  美洲旅游英语情景对话2:
7 j6 Q# Y* U) E" N- Y5 N6 Q+ L  A:Look!That's the Statue of Liberty./ c" }7 K6 Q# ?, v* K( A# Y
. ]. T6 y" |% H+ i  B:What a spectacular view! Maybe it is the most famous single monument in the USA.
2 g& O2 k$ F4 l, k; V. p  B:太壮观了!它或许是美国最有名的单人纪念碑了。
0 `$ s$ [% s4 A4 y5 ^+ h. m& N: k  A:It was a gift from the French people. Its designer also designed the world famous Eiffel Tower.
3 l6 p, s7 }7 l) M5 t  A:自由女神是法国人民赠送的礼物。其设计师也就是埃菲尔铁塔的设计师。
; `+ x' D2 R- X" ?( o$ [  B:He was so great. What was his name?
/ n' t- M0 G1 k' A6 u  B:太了不起了。他叫什么名字?
% f8 A: {+ e, p( r  A:I am sorry,I can't remember. The day when the Statue of Liberty was unveiled, more than one million people came to watch and celebrate.; G2 Y5 }* X) n2 _( {: w; b5 f( y9 s
0 \6 P$ O' D+ n  B:That must have been very spectacular.( v* U3 Z; Y: \# P
  B:那肯定非常壮观了。+ ~0 f. J. q7 u' X
  A:Yes , it was* ]) V$ m+ H; Y/ X
  A:是很壮观。, J1 G+ I$ Y8 c
  B:By the way,are visitors allowed to climb up the statue?9 F4 e" K$ `+ K
/ x2 R8 q$ R: {  A:Yes. An elevator takes visitors to the top pedestal.
0 r  v( K( x3 i1 f7 S! \6 j& H; o  A:可以登上去。电梯可以把参观者送上最高的那层平台。+ C% r! Q$ g7 k3 [' L  G
  B:That's the first thing I'd like to do.5 P5 H( P$ ^! I( S
  B:那是我计划要做的第一件事。# X& o7 A3 Z5 V0 N+ H8 s1 d
  美洲旅游英语情景对话3:7 W; b  n/ A, ]+ ~. x# c
  A:We are now in Washington D. C.,the capital city of America.# Z/ \. b4 W1 `8 [& e* R9 z
  A:我们现在在华盛顿特区,美国的首都。6 _& o) s$ @0 p7 z& x* n- V2 E4 z
  B:I think this city's name must be connected with president Washington.2 o% `$ J+ G. J4 ?1 B
8 H) n5 x2 s3 ]0 ]- C2 ?  A:Yes. George Washington has been highly respected by the American people. To show their admiration and love for President Washington,they name their capital city Washington.
( D( U" n- y2 R5 s5 V( T0 ^, J  A:是的。乔治•华盛顿一向深得美国人的尊敬。为了表达他们的崇敬及热爱,人们把他们的首都命名为华盛顿。
# A# Q# S4 l$ I/ K& a$ X# F; g  B:Oh:I see.
- H" K+ g1 o# b: K' Q1 [) s  B:噢,我明白了。
8 r( `  ?) Y2 l! ~" k  A:Look, there is the Washington Monument. It is the highest needle shaped building in the world. The height is 55 feet.
2 U8 r( C9 W8 _2 v( _4 n  A:看,那是华盛顿纪念碑。它是世界上最高的针形建筑物,高度达55英尺。! k9 E( u/ U2 c; A
  B:That must be the Jefferson Memorial over there.
6 k# ^* K: o# p, o4 P  B:那边一定是杰斐逊纪念馆了。! A% V* B4 u9 H2 a1 U- @
  A:You're right. Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States. He drafted the Declaration of Independence. In the memorial there is a bronze statue of President Jefferson.
. u* c- W2 X/ u  A:对了。托马斯•杰斐逊是美国第三任总统。他起草了《独立宣言》。纪念堂内有杰斐逊总统的铜像。
- f/ `( D% S) {, Q8 _  B:Will we visit the Library of Congress?5 a0 m! `4 w/ E% W( V& |
% N9 F& D7 k% u  A:Yes. The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world.
8 z3 [% ]! G, R& X+ _  A:是的。国会图书馆是世界上最大的图书馆。/ |4 y6 ~% B8 l( o4 M) B1 v
  B:Really? Let's go.
% X' `" `. O/ a- N; Y- ~3 Q4 a  B:是吗?那我们走吧。
6 J$ B" y6 V* Y' r8 I& n4 X  美洲旅游英语情景对话4:
; \% d; O/ o3 H  A:I'm going to Los Angeles to visit a friend.
5 p8 g0 o5 l/ @( @$ f: a; A" t  A:我去洛杉矶看朋友。( {, d, v8 s6 q, u* O
  B:Los Angeles? Ah,you can take a tour of Hollywood.
9 D# u3 O1 C& q1 s. _  B:洛杉矶?那你可以顺便去好莱坞玩。
2 o3 Y9 K% {9 `, h' z9 g2 H  A:Yes,we've planned to go there on Saturday afternoon. I've been dreaming of seeing the“Movie Capital of the World" for a long time.1 O" M. A! _/ j$ v: H( _" I! @0 U
3 w: O+ `. [) r1 W5 p; D  B:Yes, it's also the home of the“Silver Screen".
+ R' I7 p* P/ _, U& t* d7 M' O; A5 n  B:是啊,好莱坞也是“银幕之家”。
( T5 V' f) i  q3 F4 @# b  A:Have you ever been there before?5 ^( R1 a$ [5 O4 e( P
  A:你以前去过吗?4 i8 T4 u" p# K! W
  B:Of course. I once lived nearby.
' ^5 M3 m, y2 U# w8 t5 I- ?; J  B:当然了,以前我家就在那。% E- t5 v- H  o8 S: C
  A:Oh,that's great! Could you please tell me something about it?- M9 C3 t( Y% ]% h
0 A/ \# F6 A" p" i+ x+ c  B:Sure. What do you want to know?& R: i* l7 R& F, G
  B:没问题。你想知道些什么?) Z8 S: S$ y, K1 B
  A:Will I see the huge Hollywood sign? I often saw it in movies and on postcards
' c5 J/ `& M( P  A:我会看见那个写着“HOLLYWOOD”的大牌子吗?我老在电影里,还有明信片上看见它。& `3 j/ P7 V: c8 m2 D! r( s
  B:You certainly will. It stands along a mountain side. Each letter is 50 feet tall-the size of a four-storey building.
: ^5 T+ u) ?& P* t: Y4 @  ~$ K  B:当然会看见了。它就在山腰上,而且每个字母都有50英尺,大概四层楼那么高。
# Y& Z* E! r9 G  A:Wow I That's really huge!0 w* F  f3 O5 F9 M, ?5 j8 P
+ M4 L" w& g% f" u( H1 E' D, j" j" x! b7 D
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