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[英文] 亚非旅游英语情景对话 [複製鏈接]

: I) J2 @, Q4 n& r  A:Have you got that guide book to Indonesia handy?* c( |" ?* ]) Y
  A:你有去印度尼西亚的旅游手册吗?& W% u+ m* T; E: F
  B:Sure,what do you need to know?
' w: H5 i7 F: z& k8 C3 y  B:当然,你想知道什么?* f8 J" \2 I1 V7 u" ~
  A:Well, what about currency? Should I change my money at a bank or at the airport?
1 n4 f: G2 @) i' [  E; B) }% E  A:哦,关于货币,我应该在银行换钱呢,还是在飞机场?
1 E# k: E5 V, g6 v  B:Oh,it says not to change it at the airport. It seems you get a bad rate of exchange that way. They suggest changing money at a state bank., l7 v" d+ X$ v
  B:呃,听说不能在飞机场换,那样的话汇率会很低的,建议在国家银行兑换。$ r) d- l$ t: q# f4 b
  A:That's good to know. And does it say to have a cholera injection before going?$ O( p  B5 f, T  |
  A:好的,知道了。出发前要注射霍乱疫苗吗?) ?8 P/ r: t6 S- `! a
  B:Yes, it says it's not required, but they strongly recommend getting one.There's still quite a lot of cholera there, it seems.2 C' {) _* X$ ]( w9 P* j
/ |  M' O% E5 W, A' E8 }  A:Does it say anything about the hotels?; Q7 H/ N5 x- @
  A:旅游手册里说宾馆的事情了吗?( n# f/ B+ v/ Y
  B:Yes. They say they're excellent,and not expensive.- @' Z3 ]4 a+ ]+ T8 m; a; m0 X
6 g+ R  R$ T$ h9 @  A:Yeah , that's what I've heard. What does it say about shopping?
  |3 ]% j- u9 [. H  A:是的,我听说过。关于购物上面说些什么?7 g: v$ b3 H9 p. L4 s
  B:They say it's a great place to buy wood carvings and paintings. But they recommend waiting until you're out of the capital because prices there are much higher.
- V9 A* ^! K5 g8 U" X& z! S  B:他们说那里是买木雕和油画的好地方。不过他们建议等你走出首都以后再买,因为首都的价格相当高。6 C' l( V& I# p& S6 K* \
  A:And is there any mention of tours?2 V: Y3 G0 ]: s* T  E2 l0 H' ^
0 i- n2 Q! q$ u$ N, u% |% N) q  B:Yes,it says there's a fascinating tour to a volcano just out of Jakarta.
6 Q: ~% T1 l, O- R+ p  B:有,上面说雅加达城外的火山是值得观赏的迷人之地。) X# b+ a( x  r( z# @5 M
  A:Well,let's be sure to go there.
# f% }% P1 F2 N3 a  A:好,咱们一定去那里。
' c# f, l) h4 M( e( F  u) |  亚非旅游英语情景对话2:+ l. ^4 z3 _% C" L9 C
  A:How do you like Korea?
# p8 k1 D9 R3 X" j. F7 K" d  A:你觉得韩国怎么样?
7 I1 d6 h# v. s8 v  B:I like it. It's a beautiful country.# f3 t  m" C! a$ e
  B:我很喜欢。这是一个美丽的国家。! l( V5 m. j% ?/ q
  A:What part of the visit excited you most?) p( U- W1 a  X! x$ G% B
  A:参观过程中最令你感兴趣的是哪里?4 m  _7 _' t0 x4 T* `
  B:The best island of Korea-Jizhou island.
' C; e+ [( e+ e) I; d( L  B:韩国最大的岛屿—济州岛。
  U6 ~: o( X/ O# S5 Q- s  A:Why?  A: r/ |& x0 H$ Z  x1 f
. ]5 X$ V. Y. Q, b, A) o% c6 K' R; i& o  B:Attractive scenery, pleasant climate,these make it charming." c: y& h7 c0 t& Q  O3 [. O* W
  B:迷人的景观,宜人的气候,这些使它独具魅力。+ n( ^% u0 {- {: H: M
  A:Yes,I think so. But there is also something terrible." Q# p8 t5 |1 Y
  A:是啊。我也这么认为。但也有一些不好的。# h$ ?' h6 \+ \: w) U7 ^: N
  B:What do you mean
2 V* y' e# C/ |9 V4 F  B:你指的是什么?. T! L: t* k6 {  g
  A:Sometimes the traffic is too busy.# [8 F# S" t- S6 ?- j& @
; u* Y8 Z$ o5 G& v0 X8 ^. B  B:Yes,you are right.
& ]: }( M0 Z+ D- e7 U  B:是的,你说得对。
' q" `# D* ?1 ?# q. T  亚非旅游英语情景对话3:& X) N. l7 N& c  P8 f! [
  A:Look. It's the Great Pyramid!, b, d0 m6 R+ G5 |6 _" F
  A:快瞧。那就是大金字塔!" s! K' ^  g$ V! H, r) U% A: }
  B.Oh,it's so magnificent!
& h% m1 }- k9 F( E, s  B:哦,太壮观啦!' V( W  J  m, e9 F  X4 W
  A:Yes. It's about 137 meters high.
" u9 s; F8 S5 [; H! r3 k* x! n0 a  A:是的。它高约137米。
" d0 e1 w( F: S5 E0 ?  B:How long are the sides?5 g1 _% J" U! d) ?
7 p0 [9 I% p/ Z/ a  A:They're 230 meters.1 _5 s2 ]/ y- f4 E
/ Z4 _" {% B* ^) U2 t  B:It's incredible How old is it?
6 L  |3 z: K9 t" r  B:真是不可思议!它建成有多久了?
, G. \$ ?, C" u  A: It's nearly four and a half thousand years old.
( I1 G$ v) r5 l1 H  A:大概有四千五百年了。
& L! [; U4 {5 Z4 m+ n3 d8 ?* x  B:The sphinx is very famous,too., R1 D$ ^" Y( f! J6 c) [* S- w- ^6 m5 [! x
3 X8 w. \* E0 z% U: |! e3 @7 m  A:Yes , you're right.
" _; d+ P4 \" f) S9 Q  A:是的,你说得对。
% h9 U; R$ O) K- U6 N7 m  B:It's not far from here,right?3 {4 p! k/ c8 v9 _- V
  B:离这儿不远,对吗?, `$ i( e" t4 _* ?& n1 A3 q
  A:Right. Let's go to have a look.
1 a1 c2 R) z) j: r  n  A:是的。我们去看看吧。: Q2 ]/ e9 F* O* l
( q/ T1 u) T: A, H: l  B:好的。
( n) e0 l* Y6 Y( i  亚非旅游英语情景对话4:
" N* b5 c2 a. E! F  A:I've heard so much about Japan. Is it a beautiful country?$ N$ D# u6 m9 \9 Y
" Z2 ?- |$ G. N5 Q  B:Not everyone thinks Japan is beautiful, but to me its beauty is breathtaking.You feel the same way about France, don't you?
3 h2 z( b1 w8 K; n: `  B:并不是每个人都认为日本美,但对我来说,它是美真是让人叹为观止。对法国你也有同样的感觉,是吗?, z5 ]6 O1 ~: ]: ?6 h
  A:Yes,I do feel the same way about France. The swift rivers, the fertile valleys, the large cities-its scenery is beautiful. Will you describe the geography of Japan?
  v' G% \0 w7 n6 X7 Z: h, n$ Q  A:是的,对法国我确实有同样的感觉。急流的小河、肥沃的山谷、繁华的大城市—它的景色真美。你来描述一下日本的地理状况,好吗?
1 X8 e) @8 J5 D9 v  B:Well, it's made up of four large islands and many smaller islands located off the coast of the Asian main lands.France isn't an island,is it?9 f- `9 @4 b5 o- H' }5 V
  B:好的。它是由亚洲东海岸外的四个大岛和其他一些小岛屿组成的。法国不是岛国。是吗?) }" ~/ B/ {& q2 x1 l+ E4 i
  A:Oh , no , France isn't an island. It is located in the western part of the European continent. But France does have many fine harbors and port cities on its southern and western coasts. Does Japan have good harbors?
' _8 M, D0 Y, J  A:哦,是的。法国不是岛国,它坐落在欧洲大陆的西部,但是法国在南部和西部海岸确实有许多优良的海港和港口城市。日本有好的海港吗?
+ ?+ n/ o6 C8 e7 p6 e% O  B.Good harbors! Yokohama is one of the most famous port cities in the world, and Japan is the largest shipbuilding nation in the world. Also,there are long mountain ranges in the southern is hands. France isn't very mountainous,is it?, O# j3 ~5 N5 N; _/ K
. D6 j/ F" ?/ V) h  p$ _2 B( g  A:No,France isn't very mountainous. But it does contain the Pyrenees, a large mountain range with high peaks and deep canyons. What kind of Climate does Japan have?
( R: _- F* `( G( A, h3 s  A:是的,法国山不多,但境内有比利牛斯山,那是一座有着高峰和低谷的大山脉。日本的气候怎样?
; i6 M- U& k9 d) ^3 t: S6 q+ ?  B:The Japanese climate is warm and moist in the south,mild in the central part and cold in the north. Except for Hokkaido, we don't get much snowfall at all. France has a mild climate, doesn't it?% G8 i" V$ h0 @% y3 }5 M/ g6 o
  B:日本南部的气候温暖而湿润,中部气候温和而北部寒冷。除了北海道,我们根本没有多少降雪。法国气候温和,是吗?. r& `3 v0 \( W6 F/ l& b1 T' Y
  A:Yes, the climate of France rarely has severe winters.ln southern France,one can live in comfort the whole year. Is Japan good for farming?
9 i0 v/ L% w/ W; L( [# M8 ^4 I/ G$ y  A:是的,法国的冬天通常不是特别冷。在法国南部,气候常年舒适宜人。日本适合农业生产吗?
# _' B9 _9 c2 p# ]+ S2 k  B:Yes,Japan is good for farming. Rice is the main crop, but Japan is also an industrial center. Fishing is very important, too. Rice isn't grown in France, is it?
) o8 R+ G. W, d1 K0 t  h) I  B:是的,日本适合农业生产。稻谷是主要的农作物,但日本也是个工业中心,渔业也很重要。在法国不种稻谷,是吗?
/ Y7 W4 m5 f3 U% X  A: No, rice isn't grown in France. But farming, fishing and industry are also very important in France. I'd like to go to Japan some day. Would you like to visit France.) g6 g/ m! b9 k6 h9 [' \9 T
  A:是的,法国不种稻谷。但法国的农业、渔业和工业也都非常重要。我想什么时候去一趟日本,你想去法国观光吗?/ W' p" H2 ^3 j. k6 I! T
  B:Yes. I'd like to visit France. I'd like to travel all over the world. As you describe it, France seems to be very much like Japan. I would like to see it for myself.9 R3 q; r8 p4 A
5 D9 }7 @6 H: v  J' s1 K9 g8 w) Z* e+ n) E6 O9 t4 W, k  F
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