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[英文] 关于出游方式英语情景对话 [複製鏈接]

出游方式情景对话1  A: My wife and I are thinking about taking our parents with us on a vacation. Do you have any suggestion about where to go?
0 G0 c6 y) E+ ?- B' ^3 p  A:我和爱人想带父母亲去度假。你说去哪好呢?/ V) x+ r! I! R' M
  B: The choice of destination is very important. It will too energetic for the old people if you make an excursion or go to climb mountains. But they'll be interested in going to the historical places of interest where they can have fun.  f& @4 b/ u  L1 Z
3 b& m/ q* ?- I3 l7 U& q: z: C  A: Sometimes what young people like ls different from the old. Maybe we can go visit first and then do some shopping.
6 M% k% d; R8 W8 \* N" |  A:有时候老年人喜欢的东西与年轻人不同。或许我们可以先去观光,然后再去购物。
) m. h* J. t9 _4 N# g  P7 R  B: That's a good idea. That will allow both you and your parents to enjoy yourselves.
8 M0 c" d, Y( H- ~( K9 I2 U0 |  B:好主意。这样你们和父母都会玩得很高兴。  C- V5 q  ?' d$ P
  A: What should we bring beside.a change of clothes, money and some snacks?1 X! F$ p! F% R, \7 U9 d$ j+ c
. u9 t' w& e  y. y% N  B: It's some medicine the doctor recommends. If you leave It at homo, you will find it difficult to face up when the old people suffered a seizure.
. y2 e% w9 s  ?0 I  B:带上医生推荐的药。如果你把它落在家,在老人突发一些疾病的时候,就会手足无措。7 u) W2 g2 m+ p! t: s
  A: Oh, yes! I didn't think about that.Thank you for reminding me. How many days should we spend on a vacation?
, x- n9 Q+ r' x( z& g  A:太对了。我怎么就没想到呢,谢谢你提醒我。度假应该去几天呢?
( E% l% {" Z/ |. w# F7 A  B: You'd batter have all a light schedule. You can rest up for a few days if your parents find tired。
% r" R' _- t7 N6 o" E' X8 S3 v  B:你最好定一个灵活的日程,如果老人们觉得有些疲惫,你可以多休息几天。" M! ?  m+ B. y, v7 a, \4 I
  A: It seems that good planning for a family vacation is important to make sure everyone will be happy.
9 d' y6 ^4 s! U& [! b  A:看来为全家人的假期好好计划一下很重要,这样才能确保每个人都很开心。
( N6 q, d5 d' o  B: Yes, that's right. Having an enjoyable time together is the goal.- }: I& k1 a* I0 q4 d
$ h2 G8 k5 M$ t0 f1 j& @  U  出游方式情景对话2  A: Excuse me, I'd like to ask you a few questions about the city.. o7 a/ R, L& ~+ p; G
  A:打扰了,我想问您几个关于这座城市的问题。* i8 U! |$ l& g' ~6 `, n
  B:OK, please., W; ~3 R+ p) Y, i: ?( a* P6 t
; q9 l' P9 z' J9 @9 \  A: My wife wants to take the children to go shopping, where is the best place to go?! s9 \. N4 g5 g
  A:我妻子想带着孩子去购物,最好的去处是哪里?0 w: ~( c4 B/ }. q& Q
  B: I would recommend the mall, it's about 20 minutes, drive to the south in a taxi. It has a wide range of shops and restaurants.; _2 q3 y: H3 k8 z4 ~  X
  B:我推荐购物商场,乘出租车往南大约20分钟,那有很多的商场和饭店。! ]0 r9 W& P, ~
  A: Thank you. Also, we'd like to do some sightseeing while we're in town. Can you recommend some local attractions?
8 |% C4 z5 p# [0 I, B  G4 l  A:谢谢您。我们也打算在城里的时候去观光,您能推荐几个本地的旅游胜地吗?
/ [* n' b8 V" e" x' @$ `/ \9 ?  B: How old are your children?3 w- E* H. O9 o, _* t
+ u0 g  l6 O( K1 H) c0 f* e; R# O  A: I have a 10-year-old boy and a 6-year-old girl./ }8 a9 N8 L# \- w1 `/ ~2 k% Z* c
  A:我有一个10岁的男孩和一个6岁的女孩。3 l, V+ ]  o. r; S& g
  B: I would recommend a day at the zoo. It's fun for all the family. There is also a water park just outside the city if you would like a day trip.
+ C$ W/ g7 [! a& S  B:我建议你们去动物园玩一天。对家庭来说去那很有趣。假如你们喜欢一日游的话,在城外还有一个水上公园可以去。6 a6 n1 K' G' ~1 V  @, u
  A: It sounds marvelous. Thank you for your help.
; v- g1 ^4 ?7 `  A:听上去太棒了,谢谢你的帮助。/ B) z1 z* m. b* |
  出游方式情景对话3  A: I'm thirsty. Pull over to that store, I'll buy some drinks.  d0 m5 z. T1 Z% A4 ~+ s
  {: A* ^+ P- _  H( |  B: I'm afraid I can't. Parking is not allowed here.. W0 X% |1 B9 O1 j" w& `$ K
: t, j. W# }6 h. k: B* l8 V  A: Oh, that's too bad, Where can you park around here?( Z3 r  B" S, ?2 Z  p# q1 S" D# N! p
  A: 哦,太糟了。这附近哪儿能停车?/ F) K8 U; T. W( T8 _; H1 A0 `& D
  B: There is a square in front of us. We can park the car there.
) N; S8 F/ X, u  N) N! v6 W. p: l9 [  B:前面有个厂场,我们可以把车停在那儿。* z5 ]# z$ ?. r: u. Z
  A:Is a shop there?
5 ~; T( o& J* [4 y  s/ X! ?  c. ~  A:那儿有商店吗?
! t0 s3 ]  O, f4 B' t; h% r0 T  B: I'm not sure, you know I'm not familiar with the city, too./ e/ Y( N7 O, z. g
' k% L4 R. C; ~5 ^  出游方式情景对话4  A: How was your self-help trip?
7 p( G7 @( h+ J. n  A:你们的自助旅行怎么样?
( e( Q8 S2 b/ S2 x8 ?0 l; ~6 a  B: Excellent. As soon as we landed, we boarded a bus to Disneyland.I love Mickey Mouse. Janet and I spent the entire first day going on all of the rides.' P% ~. Q2 n0 M, j$ i
  B:-切都如愿,我们一下飞机就坐车去迪斯尼乐园,我喜欢米老鼠。吉尼特和我第一天全天都在乐园里坐各种乘坐装置游玩。$ O1 P- ^; y8 j8 z0 z
  A: Didn't you feel any jet lag from the change in time zones?, l4 `2 w4 R; K4 s
* p0 w  q1 N$ a3 A) i8 _) N2 p& X  B: I felt fine.I must have been too excited to notice.
' J8 Q9 a7 y" [; N3 ]# N  B:我惑觉很好,可能是太激动了,所以没觉得什么。) {1 B- ?1 b  J0 [# t
  A: I've never been to Disneyland. I went to Universal Studios when l was fifteen. My parents took my brother Franco and I.to Los Angeles and San Francisco.
" w% Y  w, W7 j) O# W  A:我从来没有去过迪斯尼乐园。15岁的时候,我去过环球影城。我父母带我和富兰科去过洛杉矶和旧金山。* H7 i& \: a: v0 T0 U# r% {( {
  B: Wish you and Janet love each other more.
. _5 f9 G( d* B, K( |  B:希望你和吉尼特能越来越相爱。
; i) p+ G3 e  s; ^
9 I' b4 J% G) q% c, B4 X9 r2 w4 t
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