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[英文] 求职应聘英语情景对话1 [複製鏈接]

求职应聘英语情景对话1& W7 Q! J: Q2 b! B
. R$ z/ Y! a% a2 \; j  Mitchell: Have you had any experience with saleswork?
" L) Z# N8 t& e1 _  ^  r* w6 c6 K  Yang Qian: Yes, I have. In fact, I had worked for aforeign trade company for nearly two years, where Iestablished business ties with several firms.
: f3 ~- a" m6 f; l  Mitchell: What exactly did you do at that company?
3 f/ m1 L; J7 S! W6 x  V  Yang Qian: Visit customers, dispatch consignmentsand things like that.2 o4 }0 ]) y+ b3 S
  Mitchell: Did you like your work?
7 z/ y' ]( V" t$ a3 o8 E  Yang Qian: Yes, I did.& a: ]% B0 K. G
  Mitchell: But when and why did you leave the company?& p6 h0 u5 r$ o
  Yang Qian: I left it two months ago. I didn't think I could learn much there, and there werenot many opportunities for self-development.( _; L4 m( g* e9 l: g. K" b
  Mitchell: I see. Why did you choose our company?* N3 Q  V: N+ A4 q4 _5 @+ N
  Yang Qian: I've been informed that there are many opportunities to develop myself in yourcompany. Besides, I grew up in a city in the Northeast. I have lots of acquaintances in theregion, which might help to push sales.3 W+ R0 I5 N+ j" P6 F4 D. Q$ I
. P% y" h+ h3 f/ |1 U$ L$ E
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發表於 2020-4-17 19:58:40 | 只看該作者
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